Khalid’s      Journey


1.   How do you say these words in Spanish?
Village: ___________
Egypt:  ___________
Dream: ___________
Wife: ____________
Yard:  ____________
Dark:  ____________
Ground:  __________
Money: ___________
Week:  ___________
Fig tree: __________
Hole:  ____________
Gold:  ____________
Trees:  ___________
Dig:  _____________
Corner: ___________

lived – was – had – were – went to – became – woke up – said – listen – didn’t – left – started – arrived – laid down – walked – have – went back – slept  - came up – told – laughed – there was – there were – found – listened to – thought about – dug

Once upon a time, a long time ago ________ ______ a man who __________ in a small village in Egypt. His name ______ Khalid and he ______ very poor, his house ______ very small but he ______ a yard, in his yard ________ ______ four trees, three fig trees and an orange tree. One night Khalid ______ a dream, in his dream he ________ ______ Cairo. In Cairo he __________ a very rich man, the next night he ______ the same dream, he ________ ______ Cairo and __________ rich. When Khalid ______ the same dream on the third night he ________ ______ in the morning and ______ to his wife “I’m going to Cairo”, “Don’t go” his wife______. But Khalid ________ ______ to her. He __________ his house and __________ to walk to Cairo, he __________ in Cairo very late at night. It ______ dark and Khalid ______ very tired but he ________ ______ money for a hotel, so Khalid ________ ______ a park he ________ ______ on the ground and ________ ______ sleep. The next day he __________ around Cairo, Khalid ______ hungry and thirsty but he ________ ______ money, that night he ________ ______ to the park and _________ on the ground again. On the third day when Khalid ________ ______ a man ________ ______ to him and ______ “Why are you here?”, “Why are you sleeping in the park?” Khalid ______ the man about his dream, “I ______ a dream” ______ Khalid, the dream ______ me to come to Cairo and become rich here. The other man __________. Ha, ha, ha. He __________. “You’re crazy, don’t believe dreams, a week ago I also ______ a dream. In my dream I ______ in a village far away from Cairo, in the village ________ ______ a garden and in the garden ________ ______ a tree in each corner, three trees ______ fig trees and the fourth tree ______ an orange tree, and under the orange tree I __________ a bag of gold, lots of gold!, but it ______ only a dream. I don’t believe dreams”. Khalid ______________ ______ the man, he ____________ ______ his house and garden in his village. Khalid ______ thank you to the man and ran back to his village. He ______ a hole under the orange tree in his garden and __________ a bag of gold. Khalid __________ the rest of his life as a rich and happy man. His dream had come true.   

order the following pictures, according to the reading

    Work with a partner and write the questions for the answers below

Where did Khalid live?
Khalid lived in Egypt.

His house was very small.

There were four trees in his garden.

He went to Cairo.

Because he didn’t have any money for a hotel.

He slept in a park.

Khalid was hungry and thirsty.

He dug a hole under the orange tree.

He found a bag of gold.

He became rich.


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Trabajo de recuperacion Eight grade