Dear students, next to this introduction you will find the sentences you have to complete with correct phrasal verb. Don´t forget to take into account the tense(time of the verb) and the person form.

Choose the right phrasal verb from the list of verbs and put it in the correct form or tense. You may have to change the position of some other words. Use each verb only once.

1.   I _______________ my purse everywhere, but I couldn’t find it.
2.   My mother has a very low pension; she has to __________________ on 350€ a month
3.   My students __________________ the most incredible excuses for not having done their homework
4.   The meeting has been _________________ until next week because the president is ill.
5.   I need to lose some weight, so I think I’d better __________________ jogging
6.   We invited 20 people, but only 7 _________________________
7.   I ______________________________ all my colleagues at work. They´re very helpful.
8.   When the timer ___________________, you must switch off the oven.
9.   Do you think the price of petrol will ever _____________________?
10.   ___________________________ ice on the road. I think there was a frost last night
11.   You’re not going to _________________________this. You will be severely punished
12.   It was dark in the room, and I ______________________ one blue sock and one black one!
13.   I _________________________ some old coins from my trip to Malaysia when I was looking for something else
14.   I invited her out for dinner, but she ___________________________________
15.   Without my glasses I can’t ______________________________ whether it is a dog or a sheep
16.   His trainer _________________________ an excellent player, though he was only mediocre before.
17.   He’s the sort of person that likes to ___________________ about how much money he’s got
18.   Please ___________________ ALL the blank spaces in the exercise

19.   I can’t ______________________ him; he’s too bossy and arrogant
20.   You are only allowed to ______________________ 10 words in the dictionary, so choose them well
21.    He soon ___________________ in his career, because he was ambitious and worked hard
22.   You can’t ___________________ eating so much; you’ll get as fat as a pig!

Read the following text, find and underline the phrasal verbs, there are 14 different phrasal verbs.


For a long time Sarah wanted to go out with a very handsome man called James, and then one day he turned up at her door. Just like that! She asked him in. James took his coat off and sat down. Then he explained that while driving past her house his car broke down. It was outside.
Sarah said James could call out a mechanic and she looked up the nearest garage in the phone book. She offered him a cup of tea. He accepted. But then she realized there was no milk. “We’ve run out of milk” she said and popped out to buy some more.

While Sarah was away, the mechanic turned up. He got on with mending the car and James watched. When it was mended James got in his car and drove away.

In the shop Sarah suddenly remembered her little baby sister who she was looking after was at home. She ran back to the house and saw that James had left. Her little sister was crying inside, and she had no keys!

b. Now write down one sentence per each phrasal verb seen the .


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Trabajo de recuperacion Eight grade