las siguientes actividades pueden ser copiadas o impresas, o transcritas a mano en una hoja examén; Las actividades deben ser entregadas a más tardar el día 10 de agosto en clase o en la sala de profesores, posterior a la entrega se realizará una evaluación de los temas estudiados. COMPLETE THE SENTENCES USING THE CORRECT FORM OF THE VERBS IN PRESENT PROGRESSIVE I________________(cook) dinner, do you want some? He ______________(travel) to Connecticut , do you need something? He______________(grate) the cheese over the salad. Maria and John_____________(eat) the spaghetti in the Italian restaurant. LOOK AT THE COOKING VEBS AND CREATE A RECIPE WHERE YOU HAVE TO USE ALL THE VERBS FROM THE PICTURE. Remember you have to use sequence words (first, second, third....after that, then, finally...) FOLLOW THE FOLLOWING LINK AND WATCH THE VIDEO: Grilled Chicken Recipe Watch the video (How to Make Grille...