8th Grade - The future Videos
LISTENING/WATCHING ACTIVITY- WHAT WILL HAPPEN IN THE FUTURE? Watch each video and answer the questions in an extra sheet, bring it to next class and be prepare to talk about the videos. v COMPLETE ABOUT THE VIDEOS: VIDEO 1: THE FUTURE OF SHOPPING - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YswWau7Skg Trying clothes will be done through a _______________ Costumers will also change the _____________ of clothes Costumers won´t need to use a pen to _______________ v VIDEO 2: THE FUTURE OF SUPERMARKETS!- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDyqhcy1L-0&NR=1 People ________ form a supermarket queue The supermarket checkout will be done ____________ because all the products are passed through the sensors together. v VIDEO 3: YOUR DAY IN 2020- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OptqxagZDfM ___________ won´t be used anymore, photovoltaic glass will be used instead You can have sms conversations even in your _______________ ________ _________ will be...