PRINT IT AND BRING IT TO THE SCHOOL USE SHOULD, MUST OR HAVE TO , TO COMPLETE THE SENTENCES 1) You speak to your brother and try to solve that problem 2) You come with us to the cinema; the film we are going to see is marvellous 3) You are very fat. You practice sport (consejo) 4) Please, we are in the church; you stop making that unpleasant noise (A father to his son) 5) If you want to watch TV, first you finish your homework 6) If I want to buy a new house I get a mortgage (A mother to her daughter) 7) You cannot go out with your friends. You stay at home because you have fever 8) In internal flights you check in one hour before the departure 9) I go to the bank to get some money 10) You visit Paris. What a beautiful city! 1 Read the following article and answer the questions. Good and Bad manners around the world Sit up straight. Say please and th...